Which Public Asistance Programs in Florida Now Have Drug Testing Requirements?

Question by megan c: Which public asistance programs in florida now have drug testing requirements?
What exactly is welfare, is it an umbrella term used to cover programs such as food stamp benefits and medicaid? and if it does or does not will floridians be required to drug test specifically for the medicaid and food stamp programs?
but does the temporary assistance for needy familes program include specifically food stamps and medicaid or is TANF an assistance program all on its own?

Best answer:

Answer by WRG
Applicants for the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program who test positive for illicit substances won’t be eligible for the funds for a year, or until they undergo treatment.

Those who fail a second time would be banned from receiving the funds for three years.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



drug treatment programs in florida – http://www.addictionrecovery.net/florida.


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