Where Can I Find a Website on Information About State Funded Drug Abuse Rehabs in Oklahoma?

Question by janellebostic20: where can i find a website on information about state funded drug abuse rehabs in oklahoma?

Best answer:

Answer by grammatomany
Try your County web site. they’ll have one or in the County Seat (the biggest city in the county). They’ll be able to help you and it’s all private.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Oklahoma City Oklahoma Drug Rehab Recovery Programs – transformationstreatment.com Our drug treatment center is a supportive community that not only involves the client, but also the family members that are affected. We strive to introduce the positive side of rehabilitation and help everyone involved to come to a realization that they do need help and the success that we offer will keep the client from experiencing relapse to enjoy a full life of recovery. For more information, you can visit our website or give us a call at 1-866-211-5538.


NBC's Rock Center investigates Oklahoma drug rehab Narconon amid

Filed under: drug rehabs in oklahoma

In July, 2News reporter Sara Goldenberg shed light on Oklahoma's Narconon Arrowhead, a non-medical drug rehabilitation facility in Canadian, Okla. The program, which has been closely tied to L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology, has seen four patients die …
Read more on kjrh.com


Sheriff investigating after Okla. drug rehab death

Filed under: drug rehabs in oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — After three deaths in nine months at an eastern Oklahoma drug rehab center with ties to the Church of Scientology, the local sheriff confirmed Wednesday that he has launched an investigation. Pittsburg County Sheriff Joel Kerns …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle