What Is the Cognitive Theory of Drug Abuse?

Question by Joy D: What is the cognitive theory of drug abuse?
Can somebody explain to me what the cognitive theory of drug abuse is and give me an example?

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Lack of aid options, affordable housing prolongs homelessness

Filed under: drug abuse help

The Hendersonville Rescue Mission and Mainstay were founded to help people in crisis, but they didn't count on the deluge of people in need who came when rehab centers and mental health clinics shut their doors… and the Great Recession crept in. Since …
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Bill Clinton finds gold chasing wellness for all

Filed under: drug abuse help

"Facebook and MTV are going to partner with the Jed Foundation to try to do a real initiative on college campuses in the area to make sure that we eliminate, if possible, all the health problems associated with prescription drug abuse," Clinton said …
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