What Are Somethings I Should Look for in a Good Substance Abuse Program?

Question by Tonnie: What are somethings I should look for in a good substance abuse program?
Where can I find resources for parents to be active participate in therapy sessions for drug abuse adult children who has recently been incarcerated? What are somethings I should look for in a good substance abuse program?

Best answer:

Answer by D.D
lahacienda.org (com?) is suppose to be a top notch place according to drphil.com
anyway, there are usually tons of info in each area, look under mental health or counseling or drug addiction in the yellow pages and start calling around to find out , ask questions, attend AA meetings, naracanon meetings, ask a therapist of your own………join a support group in town or online……or both dailystrength.org has some groups but there are probably better ones
the place where they were attending therapy or incarceration should also have suggestions
Find a drug counselor/therapist and talk to them
talk to a child psychologist
best wishes

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Saint Jude Retreats Announces Radio Interview With Gabrielle Glaser

Filed under: online drug abuse help

… become a problem for her,” Dunbar comments on Glaser's guest appearance. You can ask Dunbar or Glaser a question by contacting the show through email or posting a question online on the Saint Jude Retreat's social media accounts. … Saint Jude …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Facebook helps identify theft suspect

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In 2010, Freeman was put on probation for illegal conveyance of weapons and drugs of abuse onto grounds of a government facility, according to Richland County online court records. She also was charged with disorderly conduct and possession of drug …
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