The How and Why of Heroin Addiction.


The how and why of heroin addiction. – I’m now at


Bill Romanowski, former NFL linebacker, on the NFL's drug testing policy

Filed under: drug addiction help now

In a menacing little more benign that just took this little HT ADHD drug. Well you know it at the end of the day out are all. Issues. There — or methamphetamine. That is highly addictive. And it's scary thing. Is there are doctors out there that …


Almost Every Crime Involving Drugs Now Gets Sentenced as "Drug Trafficking"

Filed under: drug addiction help now

To the men and women who drafted our federal drug laws in 1986, this might come as a surprise. According to Sen. Robert Byrd, cosponsor of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, the reason to attach five- and ten-year mandatory sentences to drug trafficking …
Read more on Reason


Letter: Colo's pot policy spillover effect

Filed under: drug addiction help now

Now that Colorado has legalized marijuana, there are negative consequences we should be alert to. The first problem, one that will likely affect Kansas, is drug tourism. Colorado … This cannot help but spill onto Kansas highways and border areas. We …
Read more on Topeka Capital Journal


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Heroin Abuse and AddictionDrug Addiction Help NowDrug Addiction Help Now – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )


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Powerless over addiction | Changing Lives Foundation Blog – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )