The Compulsion Inquiry: For Addiction


The Compulsion Inquiry: For Addiction – A brand new tool we are using to help cut through addiction. *We also have trained facilitators that can meet with you. Myself and the facilitators are constantly in dialogue with people about these inquiries in the Facebook group, “Relationship and the Unfindable Self.” Here’s the link:


CLU professor shares facts about first ladies

Filed under: addiction help books

“Most of them were help makers and no more, but now they're supposed to have agendas of their own and be spokeswomen for the White House,” Reaves told an audience of more than 100. “In some ways we put undue pressure on the women who did not …
Read more on Ventura County Star


Theresa Lou Bowick on a healthy crusade

Filed under: addiction help books

The book describes not only her challenges and eventual success in breaking the cycle of obesity, but also how she has spread the gospel of good health to her northeast Rochester neighborhood. It's also a story that has landed Bowick on the cover of …
Read more on Rochester Democrat and Chronicle


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Why Pornography is Counterrevolutionary – A Guidebook to Help Porn Addicts Overcome Their Addiction: – by RadicalBooks (Radical Books)