Prescription Drugs

World Drug Addiction Statistics?

Question by Max: World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high… Continue reading

Infant Drug Addiction Organizations?

Question by Karly R: Infant Drug Addiction Organizations?
I am currently working on a project for my Parent and Child development class. Its about a child and the effects cocaine can have on them at birth through early… Continue reading

Drug, Alcohol Addiction?

Question by Jasmine: Drug, alcohol addiction?
1st person drug addiction article

I need one from online and I can’t find any good ones?

do u guys know any?

thanks =]

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa-Kirsty
The link below has a… Continue reading

When One Hears of Substance Abuse??? ?

Question by ChemStudent: When one hears of substance abuse??? ?
When one hears of substance abuse one immediately thinks of illicit or illegal drugs. However, mind altering substances are legally prevalent in our society with… Continue reading

Fisher Visits Shady LA Apartment

Fisher visits shady LA apartment
When confronted on the seventh straight day she turned up at the apartment, Fisher, who has struggled with addiction, shrugged off her strange behavior and claimed she was clean and sober. “No, darling,” she said… Continue reading

Ok Here Is a Question That I Need Some Help With…. My Dad Is Abusing Prescription Drugs…?

Question by Justin’s Wife of 10 Years!!: Ok here is a question that I need some help with…. my dad is abusing prescription drugs…?
he sees several (I do not know exactly how many) doctors and gets… Continue reading

SBIRT in Action: Implementing SBIRT in Two Primary Care Clinics

SBIRT in Action: Implementing SBIRT in Two Primary Care Clinics — Recorded January 15, 2014 Dr. Chris Farentinos shares the experience of collaborating with Legacy Health, one of the largest health care systems (hospitals a…

NRL in pioneer move to… Continue reading

Trial Ordered in Sledgehammer Beating of Pa. Mom

Trial ordered in sledgehammer beating of Pa. mom
State police said Baldessaro said his mother was beaten by a burglar on New Year's Eve, but her texts and calls indicated that he beat her while searching for prescription drugs… Continue reading

Mother of Three Describes Her Struggle With Prescription Drugs

Mother of three describes her struggle with prescription drugs — Rachel Ketelle, a mother of three, talks about her addiction to prescription drugs. Ketelle’s first baby was born addicted to drugs and was taken away from h…

Man goes to… Continue reading

Quincy MA Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Quincy MA

Quincy MA Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Quincy MA — Addiction Treatment Rehab for Liquor and Prescription Drugs The numbers of addiction therapy centers mirror the growing numb…

Films explore consequences of technological advances
In mainland… Continue reading