Please Help: How Should I Change My Life Given a Fresh Start?

Question by Harmonics: Please Help: How should I change my life given a fresh start?
Here’s me and my problem:
I grew up in a very strict, very dysfunctional home. At my local public grade school I was exremely smart, always getting perfect grades. However, I was also a nerd, and was constantly bullied and teased. I tried to change my image a bit at the beginning of high school but the same thing happened. Finally I began to smoke to ease stress. This led me to hanging out with smokers, which led me to recreational drinking and drugs. I loved the effects they had on me – they let me escape. I also gained friends, and no one messed with me anymore. I had a new image, and lived up to it. I got acceptance, friends, and girls started to come onto me (i had never even dated until my senior year of hs; i still have never gone out with anyone). but recently a lot of girls have been interested and have been flirting with me, just because i’m wild and dangerous. However, I realize that I’m hurting people who love me. I’m going to the University of Minnesota on scholarship, but I’m falling into addiction. I know with me and alcohol its all or nothing; and I use drugs as an escape, from life and from all my troubles that I have bottled up for all of my life. I don’t want to hurt people, and want to make something of my life, but I NEVER want to go back to the old me. I love having girls interested in me and having friends; i’m know if i go and sober up i’ll lose all that. College will give me a fresh start – but I don’t know which path to take. Please help me.

Also, to be honest I dont know who I am off of drugs. I’ve completely lost my self-identity and I have no confidence sober. I don’t like the sober me but I don’t know why. I liked that lifestyle cause it made me someone different. I don’t know what my strong and attractive qualities (other than I’m overly nice) when I’m sober.
I’m very quiet and unconfident around girls when sober, i think i’m ugly, and don’t have the confidence when i’m not high or drunk that other guys have.
Here’s a pic, I know I’m not good looking at all, but I have had girls tell me I’m cute. I guess its just confidence. I dunno.

Me and pops lol

Best answer:

Answer by Casss
your not ugly but lose the tie dye [sp?]

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