Outpatient Drug Therapy | Rehab After Work | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464


Outpatient Drug Therapy | Rehab After Work | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464 – Do you need to take the first step in living a substance abuse free life? http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Rehab After Work (RAW) is a licensed outpatien…


Michigan addicts newly eligible for treatment

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

(AP) — Michigan health officials say the state's substance abuse care system will be able to handle the surge of people who will become eligible for alcohol and drug addiction treatment under the federal Affordable Health Care Act. An Associated Press …
Read more on WSBT-TV


Md. official says state prepared to help addicts

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

The department also expanded a benefit package of the Primary Adult Care program to include outpatient substance abuse treatment. It also improved the ability of enrollees to self-refer for services. The department paid for the expansion by annually …
Read more on San Antonio Express


Coma In Traumatic Brain Injury: What Causes It? How Is It Treated?

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

These medical issues include infection, intoxicants from liquor and drugs, IV pain medicines and sedatives, and other causes such as altered electrolytes in the blood. … A life care planner will recommend in a plan of treatment after rehabilitation …
Read more on Justice News Flash