Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Florida 855 602 5102


Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers In Florida 855 602 5102 – Call 855-602-5102 for Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers In Florida http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/want-drug-and-liquor-rehab-in-florida/ Want drug and alcohol …


Prescription medicine overdose epidemic takes a deadly turn across US

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers florida

A new county-level analysis of drug poisoning deaths published online this week in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that while the problem has sometimes been portrayed being more common in rural areas, death rates have actually soared …
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Synthetic marijuana a growing problem among high schoolers

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers florida

A recent 2012 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey of ninth to 12th graders in Lake County found that 16.7 percent of them have used synthetic marijuana in their lifetime. The survey was conducted with more than 1,000 students. Learning of the dire …
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