Josh Persoff AToN Drug Addiction Treatment Center .mov


Josh Persoff AToN Drug Addiction Treatment Center .mov – Transcript: Hi, I’m Josh Persoff and I am a Chemical Dependency counselor. AToN Center has a unique approach to chemical dependency treatment and is quite di…


Pine Grove's Sexual Addiction Treatment Program Announces Name Change

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Pine Grove renames their Sexual Addiction Treatment Program. Pine Grove's internationally renowned program offers high-quality treatment for people seeking help and hope from sex addiction, sexual anorexia, love and relationship addiction and sexual …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Ky. panelists say abuse treatment can change lives

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

The law reduced incarceration times for people awaiting court action on drug offenses. As an alternative, legislators required that more emphasis be put on providing offenders with substance abuse treatment. The goal of the law was to both reduce …
Read more on CorrectionsOne