Janice Dickinson Called a Pathological Liar


Janice Dickinson called a Pathological liar – In 1982 Janice Dickinson went to St. Mary’s in Minneapolis for treatment. While in treatment Janice would talk about her life in group sessions. No one in therapy believed her real life stories. She was branded as a pathological liar. I remember being at the Cabooze bar the night one of the guy’s in Dickinson’s group therapy sessions showed up. His friend was wondering why he had left the treatment center. That is when he told him about the supermodel he was in treatment with. From what this guy was saying Dickinson had her people come in and put her make up on. Dickinson went down to her group session that night looking exactly like one she did on the cover of a magazine. Wearing the same dress and carrying the magazine that she was on the cover of. Just to prove to the people in her group that she was not a pathological liar. I think this guy said he was one of the meanest ones in Dickinson’s group sessions and wasn’t about to go back to treatment. I can only imagine what Dickinson must have said to pay this guy back for the way he had treated her.


Local sports fan gets second chance at life

Filed under: Minneapolis Drug Rehab Centers

In late March, the staff transported Blake by helicopter to the Children's Medical Center in Minneapolis for emergency surgery. Through three open-heart surgeries and 18 … Blake also re-learned to feed himself and to walk and talk after transferring …
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