How to Get Over a Shopping Addiction?

Question by Angel<3mc: How to get over a shopping addiction?
I am a 17 year old boy, and I have had a shopping addiction problem sense I was 14 and was old enough to work… I just realized that I have spent almost $ 50,000 in the almost 4 years I have worked and I could have saved that money to go to collage 🙁 … any advise?

Thank you for reading my question 😀

Best answer:

Answer by Jesse B
Try and keep yourself busy with another hobby and ask a parent to help manage your money.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Help! Addiction to Craft Buying! – Yes I’m guilty of going out to buy one thing and coming home with 20!!


ADHD and Addiction: Finding the Limits (My Meds' and My Own)

Filed under: shopping addiction help

Whether alcohol, drugs, sex, food, shopping, gambling or whatever is the trigger that is both addictive and the type of behavior I am drawn to because of my ADD, taking medication for ADD helps relieve some symptoms but it doesn't mean I couldn't go …
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Montgomery wellness calendar, Jan. 31-Feb. 7

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Outpatient addiction services Group counseling for people with mental health and substance-abuse issues. Montgomery County Department of Health and … Volunteers needed To lead “Bone Builders” exercise classes intended to help prevent falls and …
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A Meat-Free Superbowl Party? Not for Me…

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In today's junk food world, health-conscious football stars like Will Witherspoon are just the kind of sporting role models we need to help wean our kids off our high-calorie, high-processed, fast-food diet. Choosing the right food is one of the most …
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