How Likely Is a Doctor (General Practitioner) to Write a Prescription Upon Request for Anxiety?

Question by Matthew C: How likely is a doctor (General Practitioner) to write a prescription upon request for anxiety?
I know that anxiety drugs are commonly abused, and my symptoms are mild. But I’d still like a benzodiazepine for when I need it. Would I be better off going to a psychiatrist even if I don’t feel like I need therapy? Will the doctor think I’m just out to get drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by djh235
If you are already seeing the doctor and he knows you then talk to him about it. See if you are bad enough for drugs or not. Only a doctor can decide that.

What do you think? Answer below!



Substance Abuse and the Adolescent Brain, Part II: Behavioral Symptoms – Second in a series discussing the disease of addiction, brain development and the adolescent brain’s unique vulnerability to addiction, and the particular challenges of recognizing and treating the problem among this population. Presented by Alex Kirby, Psy.D., Executive Director of Montford Hall.


The Top 10 local stories of 2012

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Faced with a record number of heroin-related deaths in the previous year, Madison County authorities began an unprecedented crackdown on heroin abuse, with several people charged with drug-induced death crimes. Along the way, a flaw in one state law …
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Rubio said Latinos often asked him for information about the United States criminal justice system, child abuse, alcohol and drug issues, and gang awareness. Over the years, he also built up a network of connections so that if he couldn't help, someone …


Are recession babies prone to be delinquent teens?

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One group of researchers found that the rate of serious physical abuse towards children spiked as the U.S. economy crashed in 2007. To get some … 1980 and 1984. The questions asked about drug, alcohol and gun use, arrests, theft and other behaviors.
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