How Is Smoking Harmful to the Lungs?

Question by ev1go: How is smoking harmful to the lungs?
How is smoking harmful to the lungs? Does the hot air from the smoke actually sear/burn the lining of the lungs? At what temperature does this take place? If someone is using a Vaporizer to Vaporize the tobacco and say they set it at 360 Degrees Farenheight, would this be hot enough to sear the aveoli? Does it burn the lining of the lungs?
I should of asked “How healthy is it to use a Vaporizer”. Vaporizers smoking isn’t actually smoking at all since the tobacco never burns or combusts. Super heated air blown past the tobacco is hot enough to vaporize the product so all you get is the drug and not the carbon monoxide or tar.

Best answer:

Answer by brunetteqt5135
VERY VERY VERY VERY BADDD I don’t care where people smoke its STILL going to RUIN your lungs.. you get tar in your lungs you cant get rid of

Answer by Sam h
No its as healthy as eating salad for breakfast lunch and dinner. jeez

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