Drug Addict?

Question by mygretchen313: drug addict?
I have a friend that used to snort heroin. They have been clean for about 2 months, but I have a suspicion that they are doing it again. Since I do not know any signs or symptoms, how do I approach this situation? How can I be sure before I open my mouth, because I want to help.

Best answer:

Answer by (-.-)
dont, is their life let them do wutever they wunt

Answer by pickles
MAN, they need to stop and right away! I lost a father to that and it is a VERY addicting drug, odds are they are doing it again and before soon they will be shooting up. Intervene before they end up too addicted to get off, dead from an overdose, stealing/prostituting or with hepatitis or AIDS . It is a very sad story what a drug does to you. The signs and syptoms of heroin abuse are:
constantly dozing off( it puts you in a euphoric sleep)
needle marks
violent moods and sickness when the user is addicted and doesn’t have any

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