Does Anyone Know What Caused Eddie Guerrero’s Death?

Question by Spiritoso: Does anyone know what caused Eddie Guerrero’s death?
It was such a shock to me when I heard about it a few months ago; but it was unclear what caused his death.

Best answer:

Answer by heavyhand002
The late Eddie Guerrero’s wife, Vickie, told today (November 15) that the cause of Eddie’s death was due to heart failure. According to Vickie Guerrero, “It was heart failure. It was from his past – the drinking and the drug abuse. They found signs of heart disease. She (the examiner) said that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past. And Eddie just worked out like crazy all the time. It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that’s what caused the heart failure. He went into a deep sleep.”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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Minneapolis-based drug treatment program fined – – by thinkshrink (David Bransford MD)