Bath Salts Drug Addiction


Bath Salts Drug Addiction – Along with established threats like Spice and Salvia, new designer drugs derive…


County sheriffs, representatives of health care warn of the dangers of

Filed under: drug addiction help in maine

“The Maine Sheriffs Association, the Maine Network of Health Communities and the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse stand together unified in the message that the use of marijuana is damaging to our youth, our communities, and to the state of …
Read more on Kennebec Journal


Promoting 'miracle' drug

Filed under: drug addiction help in maine

Promoting 'miracle' drug. Well, I see the self delusional, drug dependent, no, the addicted, are at it again. Legalize marijuana — a proven “gateway drug,” put it at the top of taxpayers' concerns and add it to the top of a voting ballot. Could there …
Read more on Bangor Daily News