Alcohol Detox Facilities | Best Alcohol Rehab Centers | Alcohol Detox Facilities


Alcohol Detox Facilities | Best Alcohol Rehab Centers | Alcohol Detox Facilities – Alcohol, drug, and prescription drug dependency rehabilitation at Alcohol Detox Facilities’s, a residential facility in Sacramento…


Presidential Determination — Major Drug Transit and Drug Producing Countries

Filed under: drug rehabs in oklahoma

Pursuant to section 706(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 2003 (Public Law 107-228)(FRAA), I hereby identify the following countries as major drug transit and/or major illicit drug producing countries: Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Belize …
Read more on OfficialWire


Scientology tricks and lies exposed tonight on World Cult Watch

Filed under: drug rehabs in oklahoma

Three men, each from Texas, Oklahoma, and Canada, who were tricked and lied to by the cult of Scientology, left their jobs, homes, and family, to venture out on a 4,000 mile trek to expose Scientology's lies, abuse, and crimes. Some might suggest it …
Read more on Wire Service Canada (press release)