Addiction and the Brain – Drug or Alcohol Abuse Is a Disease.


Addiction and the Brain – drug or alcohol abuse is a disease. – Tim Brunson, PhD, talks about how the brain works regarding addictions (alcohol, drug addiction). Why does your brain respond to repeated behavior? How can you use suggestion and imagination to create an alternate reward instead of alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs? Listen to this video on addictions and find answers!


Medical Experts Debate Value of Alcohol Use

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

They say this could explain how problem drinking becomes a problem in the first place. And, they say discovering the exact areas of the brain where endorphins are released could lead to the development of more effective drugs to help treat alcohol …
Read more on Voice of America


Police, DEA discuss teen drug use

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

One such responsibility includes following up with parents the day after police receive a call about a house party that involves under age drinking. That includes discussing the ramifications for teens who use alcohol or drugs, as well as for the …
Read more on Star Community Newspapers


Does Discrimination Lead to Substance Abuse?

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

One such mechanism is the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. Racial discrimination has been shown to be related to increased drug and alcohol use, but has not been proven to be the cause of the increase. So why is it that some people use alcohol and …
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From Twitter:

If you are a parent and you’re struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, know that your children will never be ashamed of you for quitting. – by BackpackingDad (BackpackingDad)


From Twitter:

@BubbaGTaylor @McSamm_ he is slowly losing his life to drug and alcohol abuseby ItsMeKyleJ (Kyle Jorn )


From Twitter:

RT @danubianstyle: RT @danubianstyle: Hurricanes and subsequent school closes make it TOO easy to succumb to drug and alcohol abuse. – by musicallyfit848 (Carolyn Thorn)