Stop Eating Junk Food: Addiction Cure and Help


Stop Eating Junk Food: Addiction Cure And Help – It is more than possible to stop eating junk food. With the right help, junk food can become totally a thing of the past. Sometimes the business of modern living can seem to make eating what has rightly been called junk, the easy option. What can happen all too easily, though, is that people get into the habit of eating rubbish and then continuing to eat it becomes the automatic option, and lo and behold, a habit is born. If you are looking at this then you have probably become fed up (literally) with eating such a lot of poor quality food but have not yet been able to get your head around eating healthily. This is where NLP and hypnosis can be so effective, in making it really easy for you to more automatically choose healthier and more nutritious food. The techniques are rapid, and they are based upon what works, not someones idea of what works. It isnt therapy, we dont talk to you endlessly about why you have a problem with junk food, and neither do we allow you to talk to us endlessly because it simply does not help. What helps is directly training your thinking (and therefore feelings) so that bringing your diet under your control is not only easy, it is fun, too. So get in touch with us, we have clinics in several continents, and learn to stop eating junk food for good.


Looking for a 'Hunger Fix'? Food Addicts Can Re-Train the Brain

Filed under: food addiction help

QUIZ: Are You a Food Addict? Dr. Pamela Peeke, a nutrition and fitness expert, said Costa is not alone. Although some doctors dispute it, Peeke believes emerging research is evidence that food addiction is real. And it just might be playing into this …
Read more on ABC News


Program, support group helps people with food addictions

Filed under: food addiction help

According to its website, FA makes use of the AA principles to gain freedom from addictive eating. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins at meetings, and membership is open to anyone who wants help with food. Internationally, members include those who …
Read more on Frederick News Post (subscription)


From Twitter:

Dear Lord, Please help @PlayaVeeNastyy with her food addiction, I don’t want her to get diabetes and die! #LORDHEARMYPRAYER – by ThatGirlRika (Rika)


From Twitter:

I need help I have a severe food addiction…….like who lays in bed and eats cheese dip and salsa until every drop and chip is gone ** – by katiedila83 (Katie DiLoreto ?)


From Twitter:

@Rodger_Dodger10 it’s cause i just love food, it’s an addiction that I can’t help, don’t judge me – by vicc_seitz (Victoria Seitz)